The Committee for Automatic Control and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences aims to inspire, support and disseminate research and scientific development in the following areas:
control theory,
system modeling and optimization,
system analysis,
application of operational research in automatic control,
decision supporting systems,
artificial intelligence in automatics,
diagnostics of processes and systems,
control systems and devices,
computer-based control systems,
construction, exploitation and applications of robots.
The above actions are realized by six dedicated sections functioning within the structure of the Committee.
The Committee also deals with preparation of expert opinions, support of the development of young researchers starting their scientific work within the field of control engineering and robotics, as well as evaluation of scientific publications concerning the above-mentioned subjects. Committee-affiliated conferences support young researches by attractive participation conditions, as well as specially organized seminars and workshops.
Committee members are experts in various bodies, which are appointed by
Polish Minister of Education, Science and the Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, as well as the Council for Scientific Excellence,
institutions supporting science (National Science Centre), research and innovativeness of Polish economy (National Centre for Research and Development),
working group of the National Intelligent Specialization KIS17 known as Automation and robotics of technological processes.
Committee members actively participate in the work of various international associations and organizations such as the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), the European Control Association or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The Committee is also focused on the development of international cooperation. Many of its members serve at international research centers, publishers and grant agencies with their knowledge and experience.
The Committee provides patronage for a publishing series Monographs of the Committee of Control Engineering and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Moreover, it runs its own scientific journal of more than fifty years, which is published quarterly and entitled Archives of Control Sciences. Also, a scientific quarterly titled International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science is published under the auspices of the Committee.
The Committee disseminates and popularizes knowledge on control engineering and robotics through organized and affiliated conferences, seminars and workshops. The oldest of the organized conferences – the Polish Control Conference (KKA) – has been held every three years since 1958. The conference is a national and international forum for presenting original research works and applications in the field of control engineering, system technology and robotics. Since 2017 it has been known as PCC.